
Egypt 4 – Geometric Parameters related to the Pyramids (Part 2)

(Link with the previous article) If so, how did the ‘meter’ unit come into being in those ancient times? That too is a mystery. Again, for the Red Pyramid, the value of the two lengths on its sides is 3.14 or 22/7. This is the ‘Pi’ value in general mathematics. That is, the Greek simple

Egypt 4 – Geometric Parameters related to the Pyramids (Part 2) Read More »

Egypt 3 – Geometric Parameters of the Pyramids (Part 1)

Sphinx with the Pyramid The largest of the three pyramids in El Giza, Egypt, has amazed historians as well as mathematicians. This is one of the ‘Seven Wonders of the World’. 47 centuries ago, 6,000 hectares of land was needed to build this pyramid. The pyramid was spread over an area of ​​6 football fields.

Egypt 3 – Geometric Parameters of the Pyramids (Part 1) Read More »