Why is Martin Luther King Jr a Hero? We Read the History Here

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Why is Martin Luther King Jr a Hero

Martin Luther King Jr was born as a
black American in the U.S. He was known for his qualities as a leader, a social
activist who fought for the justice of Black Americans, and standing against
racism; he was an inborn Hero. But What Made Martin Luther King a hero?

Martin Luther King Jr said this,
relating to the challenges he had to face as a black and racism that prolonged
in his time. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments
of comfort and convenience but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy”.

He did not want to accept the social
norm of how Black Americans were ill-treated in the United States of America.
King strived for justice and spoke on behalf of his race. He strived for
change for the Black Americans to be treated equally, to live peacefully
and once Martin Luther King Jr Said, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of
inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.”

Martin Luther King Struggled for
Structural change for racial equality in the Country.


He was born on the 15th
of January, 1929, in the U.S. His father was Martin Luther King Sr. Martin’s
father was a Baptist Pastor, an initial volunteer of the Civil Rights Movement
and a missionary. His mother was Alberta Williams King. Martin Luther King Jr
was the 2nd child of three children in the family.

As a young boy, Martin Luther King
went to Young street Elementary School, where they segregated the white and the
black kids. This made a significant impact on Martin Luther King as 6 year
old. When Martin Luther King was 11 years old, he went to Atlanta University
Laboratory School. He learned violin and Piano and had a passion for learning
History and English. At 13, he was appointed as the youngest assistant manager
in a Newspaper Delivery Station for the Atlanta Journal.

At 15, Martin Luther went to
Morehouse College situated in Atlanta to enter the Ministry. He was famous for
his public speaking ability and joined debate teams in high school.

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is Martin Luther King Jr a Hero?

Martin Luther King faced racism as a
kid. When he was 6, he lost his best friend, who was white. After their
elementary school segregated the white and the black kids, his best friend’s
parents did not want to see Martin Luther playing with their son. This affected
Martin Luther king a lot. He also saw his father actively standing against

Once, when he was out with his
father to the shoe store, the clerk there asked them to sit in the back;
meaning the white was only allowed to sit in front then. Martin Luther King Sr
said, “we’ll either buy shoes sitting here, or we won’t buy any shoes at

Though Martin king wanted to hate
the white, his parents taught him that bible had led us to love everyone.

Martin Luther King was a Baptist
Minister, Social Activist and active volunteer in the Civil Rights Movement.

In 1955 the Montgomery Bus Boycott took
place in March 1955. It all started when a black school girl was travelling by
bus in Montgomery, and the girl refused to give up her seat for a white man. By
that time, Martin Luther King was called to be the Minister in the Dexter
Avenue Baptist Church and influential in Montgomery and surrounding regions for
his preaching in the Montgomery African American community.

This is because their law initiated
racial Segregation in the buses. A few months when the incident was repeated in
the name of Rosa Parks, who did not give up her seat for a white man, she was
arrested for violating the Segregation rules.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

The black Americans could not agree
to the laws imposed that took away their fundamental human rights to be treated
equally. Hence a Montgomery Improvement Association was created with Martin
Luther King being the Leader. The Boycott lasted more than a year and ended
with Martin Luther King in Prison. However, the situation drew the attention of
the national media.

During the Montgomery bus boycott,
Martin Luther King Said, “We have no alternative but to protest. For many
years we have shown an amazing patience. We have sometimes given our white
brothers the feeling that we liked the way we were being treated. But we come
here tonight to be saved from that patience that makes us patient with anything
less than freedom and justice.”

He was a peaceful and humble protestor;
using his young age, Martin Luther King gave his best to bring justice and
cancel the racial Segregation.

His efforts were worth it and
recognized; hence The United States district court issued a law removing the
racial Segregation on all Montgomery Public Buses.

This became the first turn of being
called a hero at a young age for his efforts and willpower to bring equality in

Albany Movement Was Took Place?

In 1962 the Albany Movement took
place; it was one of the most significant movements in the Modern Civil rights
Era. The main target of the Albany Movement was to remove the racial
Segregation in every area altogether; where 1000s of black Americans were
prisoned, but unfortunately, the Movement became a failure.

There had been many campaigns,
boycotts, and many movements initiated in the 1960s. Martin Luther King
did not give up on his goal to establish equalism in society.

However, in 1964, King gained
another victory in the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination
regardless of race, colour, region, or National Origin.

However, the King followed another
victory in 1965; when the Black Americans were given the right to vote under
the Voting Rights Act 1965.


The complete article above answers
your question of “why is Martin Luther King Jr a Hero.” Also, why did he
get the Noble price in 1964 for his leadership qualities; bringing change in
society and love regardless the skin colour.


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